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• Detecting the risk of receiving or paying addresses on the chain.
• Detecting the risk of transactions and participants on the chain.
a. The product's name is on the menu.
b. Search box. Enter the object to be detected into the search box and click [Search] on the right side to start intelligent risk detection. Supports risk detection for ordinary addresses, contract addresses and transactions.
c. Demonstrate the chains that currently support risk monitoring and the parsed on-chain data.
a. Search box. Convenient for users to change the detected objects.
a. Click on the chain name to switch to the risk detection results of the corresponding chain.
a. Show the type of the detected object. Classified as: Address, Contract, Transaction。
b. Displays the detected object type and detailed hash.
c. Show the label of the detected object, click [More>] to view all the labels. Tags include: entity aliases, entity types, behavioral tags, relationship tags, and so on.
d. The balance is displayed if the detected object type is Address/Contract.
1. Switch balance units. Click to finish switching units, support: USD, BTC, ETH.
2. Displays the current balance. Tap to view the number of each token held in the balance.
e. The detected object type is a transaction, which displays information about the sender and receiver of the transaction.
1. Displays information about the sender of the transaction. When there are many senders, the [More>] button appears, and you can click it to view all senders.
2. Displays information about the receiver of the transaction. When there are many receivers, the [More>] button appears, and you can click it to view all receivers.
a. Switch the display of details. Click on the text to toggle through the details of the corresponding category. Trustformer Insight
a. TCR score of the detected subject. The risk levels and corresponding score intervals are as follows:
Good credit 600<Trustformer TCR Credit ≤1000
Low risk 500<Trustformer TCR Credit ≤600
Medium risk 400<Trustformer TCR Credit ≤500
High risk 200<Trustformer TCR Credit ≤400
Severe risk 0<Trustformer TCR Credit ≤200
b. Risk label display area. Click [More>] to view all risk labels. Risk labels include: Risk Layer , Risk Type, Risk Relationship, Risk Geography, and so on.
c. Risk source information display area, which is used to explain to the user the detailed reasons why the detected object is at risk.
1. Risk Type. Supports 43 types of risk detection.
2. Risk Layer. Support: direct risk, indirect risk in layers 1 to 6.
3. Risk Traceability. Support: Risk Source Display, Risk Amount and Percentage Display, Risk Transaction Path Display.
4. View all risk sources. When there are many risk sources for the detected object, [More] is displayed, and you can click [More] to view all the risk sources.
5. Risk Attribution. Click to view the risk attribution graph, which uses data visualization graphs to show the risk transfer paths for the full range of risk sources.
d. Behavioral overview, which is a description and display of some key behaviors of the detected object on the chain.
e. Trustformer insight Summary. Summarizes the results of risk detection.
Good Credit
a. TCR Score of the detected subject. Because the subject is above 600, the Trustformer Insight result displays the Good Credit style.
b. Behavioral overview, which is a description and display of some key behaviors of the detected object on the chain.
c.Insights that show the types of risks that have passed the detection. Historical Transaction
a. Toggle the display of historical transactions for different categories. Click on the text to switch to view the details of the historical transactions of the corresponding category.
b. Filter Area. After entering the filter conditions, click [Filter] to display only the historical transactions that meet the conditions. Click [Reset] to reset the filter conditions and display all historical transactions.
c. Historical transaction filtering results display area. Click on any blue text to enable rapid risk detection of it.
In the Historical Transactions, the Token column can display counterfeit tokens. The triangle mark in front of the token name indicates that the token is a Fake Token, and the picture shows the counterfeit USDT token. Graph Analysis
a. To view the number of recent transactions, click on the drop down and select the max number of transactions displayed by the chart.
b. Graph tools area, support full screen, zoom in, zoom out, reset restore, download images.
c. Legend. Used to explain what is represented by different styles of nodes or lines in a graph.
d. Graphs show the canvas.
○ Hover any node to display the corresponding node information, including entity alias, address, and transaction information.
○ Click on any node in the graph to make a copy of the address.
○ Any node can be dragged, free layout.
e. Go to Trackr.
a. After clicking, it will generate a PDF report of the risk detection results for the detection object in the currently selected chain according to the conditions selected by the user.
1. Select the type of report to generate. The user selects the appropriate report type based on the report usage scenario.
2. Select the historical transaction time range to be displayed in the report.
3. Select the max number of recent transactions that need to be displayed in the Graph of the report.
4. Click [Confirm] to generate a report request, please go to [User Center] - [Export Download] to download the report.