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A. Demonstrate the chain of support for tracking funds.
B. Search box. Enter the object to be tracked into the search box and click [Track] to start tracking funds. Tracking by address, contract, or transaction is supported.
Support full screen, zoom in, zoom out, reset restore, download images.
Used to explain what is represented by different styles of nodes or lines in a graph.
A. Address node, Click on any address node to open the address details on the right. node can be dragged, free layout.
B. BTC Transaction node, Click on any address node to open the Transaction details on the right. node can be dragged, free layout.
C. Transactional relation line. The line text indicates the amount of BTC sent/received by the address.
D. The set track fund source conditions function icon. Appears when you click/hover the Address node, and click [Track fund source] open the right workspace.
E. The set track fund destinations conditions function icon. Appears when you click/hover the Address node, and click [Track fund destinations] open the right workspace.
F. More address, five new address nodes involved in the transaction are displayed per click. The number on the right represents the number of unexpanded addresses.
A. Address node, Click on any address node to open the address details on the right. node can be dragged, free layout.
B. Set the tracking condition function icon. Appears when clicking/hovering the address node, and clicking [Specify Conditional Trace] opens the right workspace.
C. Transactional relation line. Online text indicates the number of matching transactions between two addresses. Click on any line to open the transaction details on the right.
A. The chain to which the address belongs.
B. Address type, Support: addresses, contracts, exchanges, blackaddress.
C. The Bitcoin wallet to which this address belongs, click to view wallet details.
1. Click to return to the previous page.
2. BTC wallet name and wallet description.
3. Wallet includes address number and address details.
D. Entity alias.
E. Address profiling labels. Supports: risk labels, behavioral labels, relationship labels, etc.
F. Display the current tracking conditions of the selected address. Toggle the display by clicking on [Destinations] / [Sources].
A. The chain to which the address belongs. Multiple icons indicate that the address is a multi-chain address.
B. Address type, Support: addresses, contracts, exchanges, blackaddress.
C. Entity alias.
D. Address profiling labels. Supports: risk labels, behavioral labels, relationship labels, etc.
E. Display the current tracking conditions of the selected address. Toggle the display by clicking on [Destinations] / [Sources].
A. Title. Track fund destinations or Track fund sources.
B. Time Range, Set the time range for tracking transactions.
C. Transaction Token, set the type of tokens to track, null value represents all tokens.
D. Transaction Token Value, set the range for the number of token transactions tracked. The interval contains min and max values, null value represents all tokens.
E. Opponent Category, set the tracking opponent category. Support: addresses, contracts, exchanges, blackaddress.
F. Reset, click [Reset] to restore the tracking conditions to their default values.
G. Track, After clicking [Tracking], the graph on the left side displays the results of the tracking that match the conditions.
A. Switching of [Destination]/[Source] condition setting function.
B. Time Range, Set the time range for tracking transactions.
C. Transaction Token, set the type of tokens to track, null value represents all tokens.
D. Transaction Token Value, set the range for the number of token transactions tracked. The range contains min and max values, null value represents all tokens.
E. Opponent Category, set the tracking opponent category. Support: addresses, contracts, exchanges, blackaddress.
F. Reset, click [Reset] to restore the tracking conditions to their default values.
G. Track, After clicking [Tracking], the graph on the left side displays the results of the tracking that match the conditions.
A. Expand/collapse the detail display area.
B. Display basic information about the transaction.
C. Address information for involved in the transaction. Supports scrolling to see more information about involved addresses.
A. Information about the addresses involved in the transaction. The arrow direction represents the flow of funds.
B. Entity alias.
C. Entry to the transaction filtering function. When the number of transactions between two addresses is too high, filtering can be used to pinpoint the target transaction.
1. Click to return to the previous page.
2. Token Filter, click on the box to see the types of tokens included in the group of transactions, only supports single selection.
3. Transaction amount range filter, the range contains min and max values, empty values represent no limits.
4. Transaction time range filter, the range contains start time and end time, empty values represent no limits.
5. Reset, click [Reset] to restore the tracking conditions to their default values.
6. Filter, click [Filter] to automatically return to the results page.
D. Full details of matching transactions. Supports scrolling for more transaction information.